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Location: St Augustine, Florida, United States

Among other things I am a father, grandfather, brother, uncle and fortunate member of a large and loving family without a throw-away in the bunch. Now a writer of quips, essays and short stories, I started serious writing and my first novel at age 70. A chemical engineering graduate of Purdue University in 1949, I am a dreamer who would like to be a poet, a cosmologist, a true environmentalist and a naturalist. I've become a lecturer on several subjects. That's my little buddy, Charlie, with me in the photo. He's an energetic, very friendly Lhasa Apso born in September, 2003. He's a good one!

Monday, November 13, 2006

List of Political Blogs - To the best of my ability I try not to be politically correct in my writing. Political correctness is a bit like cursing. It’s a way to control others and vent anger without making any progress toward solutions to many sometimes serious problems. Though I describe myself generally as a conservative I find I am too liberal for most of my conservative friends. Of course, I am way too far to the right for my liberal friends and family members. Go figure!

Atheocracy - Is the United States Becoming
- a view backed by the increasing evidence of judicial implementation of atheism as the official state religion of our nation in spite of words to the contrary in out Constitution - The ACLU is the point organization for this dramatic change - "The Myth of the Separation of Church and State" is a companion article to this piece -


Attack Dogs and Political Bitches - A detailed look into our political process and how it is being turned into constant, brutal kingmaker battles similar to those of our simian cousins - a broad, objective look that lets the chips fall where they may -


Church & State, Myth of Separation - Myths and misconceptions about this important issue - Companion Article to "Is the United States Becoming an Atheocracy?" -


Conservative turns Liberal??? - a parody about switching sides - pointed, but humorous unless you tend to be one of those drab individuals who see bad news and deplorable conditions in virtually everything -


Feudals, The . . . Are we headed for a new Feudal age??? - a look at our political direction, the people and forces driving it and where we could be headed -


Genesis 2001 - a very modern rewrite of the Genesis creation story that satisfies both religious and scientific needs and opinions - both scientists and Bible scholars will be aghast -


Ho's Rants - Topical subjects of all kinds including email exchanges that interest me and make me think -

Images of Pain - Immediate Reactions to 9/11 from several sources including my SFN writers group and several others with diverse opinions - some I agree with and some I do not - reactions and rebuttals -


Instructive Political Exchange with a bright young man - an interesting exchange of ideas with a very bright great nephew of mine - sadly, he chose to discount my opinions as they differed from his own and so cut off any further exchanges - I wonder why so many liberals refuse to exchange political ideas and concepts with those with whom they disagree? Are their ideas so holy and absolutely correct as to be unassailable? -


Islam, the Enemy we Underestimate - an in-depth analysis of a menace most Americans would prefer to ignore or discount - a look at their history and what they are capable of doing - another look at how our own politicians view them and often provide aid and comfort -


John Stossel books - a liberal tells the truth, refreshing! - This article was prompted by Stossel’s two books and draws heavily from them - There is quite a bit about where liberals originated and how drastically they have changed their colors recently - should you liberals really wnt to see yourselves as other see you, this article and his two books will provide great answers -


Murtha Letter to GWB & HJ Response.... - a contrived letter of hate and distortion of the truth and my reaction to it -


Science and Religion, a Reconciliation - A Challenge to the age old battle between supposedly opposite opinions and why there is no real conflict between the two - How a little understanding can bring about reconciliation between seeming enemies -


Why I am not a Liberal, Socialist or Communist - some reasoning as to why I take the political positions I take - not to be confused with slavish political sheep following the mantras given them by theri Feudal masters -


List of All Blog Directories
Some Complete, Some Partial
HoJo’s Directories of Blogs by category - List and links to all Blog Directories

All Blogs by groups - List and Links to all HJ Blogs, Listed in groups by type.

All Blogs in alpha - List and Links to all HJ Blogs, Listed alphabetically by Title

Lectures - Listing of Lectures, complete and outline or idea (incomplete)

Solutions - Listing of Suggested Solutions to Many Serious and Menacing Problems.

Writing - Miscellaneous and General Writing including: Entireties, Excerpts, Descriptions and Promotions about Ho Jo’s Books, Novels, Short Stories, Essays and Miscellaneous Writing - fiction and non - Complete and Under Construction - mostly not Listed in the Other Listings.


Blogger sugan2v said...

On the eve of polls, parties have started a digital media war. With the Election Commission approving 40 short videos, the ruling AIADMK has hit out at the DMK for its failures and misdeeds. The videos also list out the achievement of the AIADMK governments headed by J Jayalalithaa in the past and Edappadi K Palaniswami now.

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